suitable perl version for windows 2008 64 bit

Hi ,

While executing perl scripts , sometimes cpu consumption is going to 100% and perl script is asking to abort.

In perl script , iam having some powershell commnands.

out of 10 times , 9 times script runs fine and 1 time its throwing the above error.

Iam using windows 2008 64 bit machine. Could you suggest the suitable perl version on this. Now iam using 5.6.1


Try the latest version 5.14.2. It might help.


Do you have any idea when this will happen and how 5.14 will resolve the issue.

My problem is that issue is not reproducable always. If i dont get the issue in 5.14 for many runs , i cant take it for granted that it will never occur. ( i will be doing this prod and i should be 100% sure that this will never occur)

I was going thru some blogs, i saw some suggestions like

  1. set low priority to the process.
  2. Have some sleeps in the perl code .