Suggestions for GUI/self-service for OpenLDAP

I will be setting up OpenLDAP 2.4 on RHEL 7.3. I have used Jxplorer in past, which looks clumsy but did the work. As per I read, Apache Studio works better. Suggestions on this ?

Also, I am looking if there can self-service capability. That means, users can get advance notification of their 'password expiring in xx days' and if they forget or password is expired, they should be able to do it themselves without intervention of system admin. Please suggest a stable tool (I am yet to learn, if OpenLDAP yet to have that capability ? ). And, I am looking for free tool, my management won't approve for a paid one :slight_smile:


Maybe you can pick three from this list:

based on your requirements and quickly test them to see which one you like best?