Sudoers file

In the sudoers file in Solaris...

I am trying to limit the DEVELOPER user privileges to where those users can only use the �rm� command in certain directories. This is to prevent them from deleting directories or files and destroying a server. I want them to be able to use the "rm" command but only in some of the directions, not all of them. Is this even possible in Solaris?

Try this command alias in sudoers

Cmnd_Alias SAVERM=/usr/bin/rm /path/to/dir1/*, /usr/bin/rm /path/to/dir2/*

and specify SAVERM as the allowed command for your users.
The users must use full path for command and arguments e.g.

sudo /usr/bin/rm /path/to/dir1/examplefile
sudo /usr/bin/rm /path/to/dir2/subdir/anotherfile