sudoers file

I have edited 'sudoers' file to allow 'cads' user shutdown the system without providing a password.
Can someone tell me what's wrong with my file?
It's not working when I 'sudo SHUTDOWN' command:

sudo: SHUTDOWN: command not found

Thanks a lot!

# Host alias specification
Host_Alias DIALER=dmil3
# User alias specification

# Cmnd alias specification
Cmnd_Alias SHUTDOWN = /usr/cads/fldshut
# Override built-in defaults
Defaults syslog=auth
Defaults: DIALER !lecture
# User privilege specification

Do you need the full path to shutdown?


# %users localhost=/sbin/shutdown -h now

I don't think so.
It should work this way since I created alias in the file?

A command alias is used only inside the sudoers file. It doesn't create an external alias that the user can employ.


I had it worked. It doesn't make sense if alias only used in the sudoers file....

THANKS for the help!