SUDOERS file settings Incorrect

  1. I have user temp1 belonging to techx group
$ id
uid=1006(temp1) gid=1002(techx) groups=1002(techx)
  1. We have user tomcat belonging to webadm group
$ id
uid=1017(tomcat) gid=1001(webadm) groups=1001(webadm)
  1. We have user root belonging to root group.
$  id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

My requirement is temp1 user should be able to sudo to any user belonging to webadm group and then from webadm group to sudo to root i.e temp1 -> tomcat -> root

I made the below changes in bold to the sudoers file using visudo to fulfill the above requirement.

## Allows people in group wheel to run all commands
%wheel  ALL=(ALL)       ALL
%techx ALL=(ALL:webadm)     ALL
## Same thing without a password
# %wheel        ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL
%webadm  ALL=(ALL:root)       NOPASSWD: ALL

But for some strange reason temp1 is able to directly sudo to root bypassing webadm group's user as u can see below.

[temp1@development_techx ~]$ sudo -u root -s -H
[sudo] password for temp1:
[root@development_techx temp1]# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

Can you please point out what is incorrect with my sudoers file above becoz of which it cant enforce users to techx to sudo to users of webadm and then eventually to root group ?

That "ALL:" goes a lot farther than you think it does. You're taking the list of all possible users then adding "webadm" to it.

By pure luck I faced the exact same problem a while ago, here is the syntax I wound up with:

# Only users in %allowed group can run as other users in %allowed group
%allowed ALL=(%allowed) /path/to/command

It'd be just username, not %username, for anything not a group.

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It worked :slight_smile: Thank you !!