sudoers and sudo


on solaris 10, I have two users : user1 and user2

I want to create User_Alias and Cmnd_Alias to allow them to execute a command without prompting for sudo password.

command I want these users should be able to run is '/usr/bin/su - abcd' . Also user1 and 2 need not type the 'abcd' user's password.

please let me know how can I do this using visudo

Please treat as urgent


without using aliases:

user1 ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/su - abcd

for further help feel free to read the man page.

what does the bold ALL mean ?:confused:

You're fired. Go read the man pages.

If everyone starts reading man pages they would not need forums, I don't have time for man pages sorry !:rolleyes:

Find a new profession.

so do you, is your job making people read man pages :smiley: