sudo user access

I have installed sudo on AIX 6100-04 and want to know how do I set it up for a user to be able to run only some commands? I want to give the user the rights to only cd to certain directories and run the ls command to name a few? Are there any issues with running sudo when the user is forced to use a secure shell?

sudo uses the "sudoers" file which contains definitions of the commands that can be it will enable.

You can modify the "sudoers" file with the "visudo" command.

run "man sudo", "man sudoers", and/or "man visudo" for details.

sudo is not tied to SSH in any way beyond strengthening the security of your system. Aside from that, it's possible to restrict the user to use only certain commands (and even to only allow certain options), but it can't restrict access to shell-builtins like cd. Blocking directories will have to be done using permissions and the OS specific ACLs.