Sudo Password Prompt over SSH

I am not sure what I am missing here. I have the following identical entry in /etc/sudoers on multiple Red Hat 6.4 servers.

icinga  ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/yum --security --exclude\="kernel*" check-update

On one server when I enter the command over SSH as follows it works fine.

ssh -t -q icinga@$sshhostname sudo /usr/bin/yum --security --exclude\=\"kernel*\" check-update

On a few servers I am prompted for the sudo password when I issue the command.

[sudo] password for icinga:

If I ssh to the server that is having the issue and execute the sudo command I am not prompted for a password. What am I missing here? the /etc/sudoer files are identical on a server that is working. Is this something with SELinux that I am perhaps missing?

Check groups for the user too.

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