Sudo help needed

I have a wrapper script that I am trying to build/execute, which has two different sub scripts, which run as two separate users.
Purpose is to mask the contents of the script and allow the user to execute utlrp.sql, which requires sys level privs to execute.

User FORD logs in, and executes the wrapper script,
The wrapper script presents it's content in menu format. Here is what the

  1. execute one.sql
  2. execute two.sql and three.sql
  3. execute three.sql

requires no specific credentials
REQUIRES FORD credentials to execute.
has logid check at beginning and kicks you out if you aren't the FORD user.
requires "ORACLE" credentials to log in and execute utilrp.sql -- which requires to log in as sys for execution.
Same as above, but only runs the utlrp.sql script.

So I edited sudousers (VISUDO) to implement the neccessary privs. (shown in RED)

## Runas alias
Runas_Alias     DB = oracle
## Same thing without a password
## Uncomment to allow members of group sudo to execute any command
# %sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL
## Uncomment to allow any user to run sudo if they know the password
## of the user they are running the command as (root by default).
# Defaults targetpw  # Ask for the password of the target user
# ALL ALL=(ALL) ALL  # WARNING: only use this together with 'Defaults targetpw'
## Read drop-in files from /usr/local/etc/sudoers.d
## (the '#' here does not indicate a comment)
#includedir /usr/local/etc/sudoers.d
FORD ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /export/home/oracle/
FORD ALL = (DB) NOPASSWD: /oracle/12c/bin/sqlplus
(I have also tried the second entry NOT using runas_alias with exact same results)
If I execute a sudo -l from the command line, it shows:
$ sudo -l
User ford may run the following commands on falcon:
    (ALL) NOPASSWD: /export/home/oracle/
    (oracle) NOPASSWD: /oracle/12c/bin/sqlplus

Here is where I'm stuck. From my understanding, for the user to execute this via the sudo functionality, the main wrapper command would be executed as such:
sudo It prompts me for the menu as desired. When I choose A, it doesn't see user FORD...and kicks me out.
When I choose B or C, it works fine. It executes the second one fine, and logs in as sys executing the utlrp.sql.

So my question is this: Is there a way to configure the sudo set up so that user FORD executes the wrapper, passes user FORD to menu item A, but only passes it's self as the ORACLE user to menu items B or C for the sake of sqlplus as sys?


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If you changed your wrapper program to call sudo, rather than vice versa, you could get different menu options calling different sudo users.

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Thank you for the response. Sorry for the color, I didn't realize it would be such a sensitive issue.

As for the recommendation, I don't know that it would fulfill the same security needs, as it would make the script it's self owned by the user, which means that the user could also see it, yes?

Also, by putting the sudo command inside the script, wouldn't that fork off another sub-shell to run the subsequent commands?

You can't really run code as a different user without putting it in a subshell.

Using sudo inside the script would probably mean splitting off a few more scripts from it so you can put them all in sudoers appropriately, which would mean the parts you wouldn't want seen wouldn't be. If someone sees the code for the menu, who cares, as long as it hasn't got the passwords?

Correct. It doesn't matter, as I'm not using passwords.
For this level of DB login, as SYS, it's not the conventional login/pw sequence.

normal would be

sqlplus joe/blow@db <enter>

for this, I need to be able to execute AS ORACLE USER

sqlplus /nolog <enter>
connect /as sysdba <enter>

It will only allow the oracle os user to use this login process.

Oracle is complex in this way that the sys user can log into a layer under the database.
AND unfortunately, this specific oracle script/command REQUIRES to be logged into the database as SYS.

Having said that, I have made progress based upon your suggestions. :b::b: Thank you.
I am able to now execute the wrapper script and option 1 executes as FORD.
I'm not testing option 2, simply because it's a combo of 1 and 3.
So testing option 3, it's a partial success/fail.
I can tell that it is executing as oracle, because oracle user is the only one allowed to see or execute the script.
But the Oracle security doesn't like something, as the second part of the 2 step login is failing.
That part of the script is as follows.

sqlplus /nolog << EOF
connect /as sysdba

It's telling me invalid user/pass.
Then tries to execute the script, which of course is failing.

So chasing that now.

Also, for giggles, I tried the following at the command line (AS ORACLE)

sqlplus /nolog <<EOF
connect /as sysdba
show parameter name

And it worked flawlessly.

Ran the same thing as FORD, and it runs the first line, but then fails on the next.