sudo file in sco unix

Please could some one help me with sudo euivalent file in sco unix

Not identical, but see "su", and "chmod +s".

Also look at authorizations and privileges in Account Manager (scoadmin)

---------- Post updated at 09:37 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:19 PM ----------

You might also consider using rksh in conjunction with "chmod +s" to create an environment where the user cannot change directories, or execute a command with a "/" in it.

thanx Jgt
sorry for late reply i was away these days.

I need to check all the users who have root level privilage on the sco box


If you have a lot of users you may want to use "userls -A" to list all attributes for all users into a text file. A sample single line of output:

jack            {pw_name jack} {pw_uid 1001} {loginGroup group} {pw_gid 50} {pw_
dir /usr/jack} {pw_shell /usr/bin/bash} {groups {other group}} {groupsForLogins 
other:1} {auditMask none} {mode 16877} {noPassword 0} {comment {Jack Tearle}} {p
asswdSuccessfulChangeTime 1321380554} {lastSuccessfulLoginTime 1340720274} {admi
nistrativeLockApplied 0} {passwdMinChangeTime 0} {passwdExpirationTime 0} {passw
dLifetime 0} {maxLoginAttempts 99} {passwdUnsuccessfulChangeTime {}} {lastSucces
sfulLoginTty ttyp1} {lastSuccessfulLogoutTty {}} {lastSuccessfulLogoutTime {}} {
lastUnsuccessfulLoginTime 1321380522} {lastUnsuccessfulLoginTty ttyp2} {passwdUn
successfulChangeTime {}} {unsuccessfulLoginAttempts {}} {passwdGeneratedLength 8
} {passwdChooseOwn 1} {passwdRunGenerator 1} {passwdCheckedForObviousness 0} {pa
sswdNullAllowed 1} {userType general} {owner {}} {nice 0} {passwdUser jack} {suO
nly 0} {privs {suspendaudit configaudit writeaudit execsuid chmodsugid chown}} {
auths {audit auth backup cron lp mem sysadmin terminal uucp root audittrail su p
asswd queryspace create_backup restore_backup printqueue printerstat shutdown}} 
{defaultAttributes {nice privs auths passwdMinChangeTime passwdGeneratedLength p
asswdExpirationTime passwdLifetime passwdChooseOwn passwdRunGenerator passwdChec
kedForObviousness passwdNullAllowed maxLoginAttempts}} {defaultedAttributes {nic
e passwdMinChangeTime passwdGeneratedLength passwdExpirationTime passwdLifetime 
passwdChooseOwn passwdRunGenerator passwdCheckedForObviousness passwdNullAllowed
 maxLoginAttempts}} {distributed 0} {isASUUser 0}         
1 Like

thanks for the reply it helps
how do we identify users with root or privilaged access like sudo in linux

I find your last post ambiguous.
Do you want to know how to identify users on a linux machine that have root privileges?
Do you want to know how to identify users on a SCO machine that have privileges similar to sudo on linux?

sorry about that

yeah i need to find out users with root access and also users who have privilages to certain commands or dir
or i would like to know how can we define privilage levels in sco unix

See post #4.
Also Administering user accounts
The 5.0.7 manual is similar.