SUBSEP Seperator problem with awk

The following code removes new line with in double quotes
I am replacing newline character with in double quotes with 123.

intermediatenewline_remover () {
    typeset Infile=$1
    nawk -F"," '{ record = record $0
 if ( gsub( /"/, "&", record ) % 2 ) 
     record = record "123"
 print record
 record = ""
    }' Infile

Here i am combining 4th and 5th field with "123" as seperator

    nawk -F"|" '{print $2,$3,$4"123"$5}' OFS="|" file

Replacing Comma and seperator "123" with space.
The problem here is if data has "123" that will also be replaced with space.
I want only "123" seperator to be replaced.

    nawk -F"|" '{gsub(",", " ",$3);gsub("123", " ",$3);print}' OFS="|" file

I tried using SUBSEP
This code instead of using value for SUBSEP "\034" its inserting "SUBSEP"

intermediatenewline_remover () {
    typeset Infile=$1
    nawk -F"," '{ record = record $0
 if ( gsub( /"/, "&", record ) % 2 ) 
     record = record "SUBSEP"
 print record
 record = ""
    }' Infile

and how to handle this change in this code

    nawk -F"|" '{print $2,$3,$4"123"$5}' OFS="|" file
    nawk -F"|" '{gsub(",", " ",$3);gsub("123", " ",$3);print}' OFS="|" file

SUBSEP is a comma by default that is what \034 is. Just use ","

Can you not format your output with printf( format-string, [value], ...);

you're using a SUBSEP as a string, and not as a builtin variable - loose the double quotes.

Thanks Vgersh99.

jim mcnamara--

Comma octal value is 054.
Any way subsep works for now.