stupid question: the path

I'm sorry for my stupid question, but when I log in with one account on my AIX machine, I see:

psar3@caixpc24: /home/psar3 >

When I login with another login (pger1), I see:
caixpc24 #

how can i change that i see the same for pger1 as for psar3???
(it's easy to see with which user i'm working and on what path i am)

Thanks for answer to my stupid question, but i would even not know how to search in google for this.... thanks.

Depending on which shell is beeing used, change the setting of the prompt variable in the appropriate shells configuration file, one way would be to have it set as:

if ($?prompt) then
    if ($term == "undefined" || $term == "linux" || $term == "screen" || $term == "ansi" || $term == "vt100") then
        set term = "vt100"
        set prompt = "%n@%m %~> "
        set prompt = "%{\e]1;%m\a\e]2;%n@%m:%~\a%}%n@%m %~> "

In otherwords... In your psar3 account's .profile or .login file (there should be one or the other or both), there will be some code on a line that begins with the word "prompt"....

Go to your pgr1 account, and copy that line to the same file (.login, or .profile) for the pgr1 account. Then (simplest) logout/in to the account again and you should see the change.

I use this: PS1='${LOGIN} ${PWD}> ' in my .profile file in my home directory.

great !
thank you