Student needs help...

I know taking the easy way out isn't going to help me learn anything, but hopefully it will at least give me some guidence...

I have a project and here's what I have to do... A company is currently running a Digital VAX and I have to replace it with a Linux server. There are 19 terminals running Custom VMS software which we are trying to salvage.... Of the 19 Terminals Four PCs (two in accounting and two in general management) can act as terminals on the VAX. The other 15 terminals are strictly dumb terminals.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a server or at least what requirements it needs? The business is expanding so I'd guess 35-40 Terminals tops... I have been looking into a HP RX1600, but all suggestions are open.

THANK YOU for all your help or at least some direction,


What kind of apps are you going to be running? Is there a DB backend? What are you going to do for front end clients to the app?

Apps - EDI intergrated system... mainly order processing, accounting, inventory, purchase order system, e-mail. . . basic office functions. e-Commerce isn't out of the question, but its not the focus.

DB backend - yes probably Oracle, but we're open on that...

as for front end its Open VMS, but not sure on the specific OS. . .


sorry guy, but this is a classroom assignment? it looks like a big project you are working on, however if this is for school im gonna have to lock this thread.

one more thing i would like to say, your question isnt the typical "what does this code do" or "i need a script for class" ... it does seem like you are trying to learn on your own, but you must understand that in order for the integrety of these forums to be kept, we (the mods) have to enforce every rule. so, please dont get discouraged by me locking this thread, and i hope you continue to use for help and guidance regarding all aspects of unix.