String to integer

I am on HP-UX using ksh in the script.

MaxSal=`sqlplus -silent /nolog <<EOF
connect / as sysdba
whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode
set pagesize 0 feedback off verify off heading off echo off
select max(sal) from emp1; 
select max(sal) from emp2; 
select max(sal) from emp3;

MaxSal1=`echo $MaxSal | awk '{print $1}'` 
MaxSal2=`echo $MaxSal | awk '{print $2}'` 
MaxSal3=`echo $MaxSal | awk '{print $3}'` 

I can echo MaxSal1 till this; but at next step it doesn't work
The below part is not MaxSal1,2,3 report null values, even though in the above i get positive numbers

EmpSal1=$(($MaxSal1 - 100))  
EmpSal2=$(($MaxSal2 - 100))  
EmpSal3=$(($MaxSal3 - 100))  

Can someone help me

What is the error you are getting? Are you sure that "MaxSal1" and other variables are not empty? Do an echo for those variables and post the output.

MaxSal=`sqlplus -silent /nolog <<EOF | tr -s '\n\' ' ' 
connect / as sysdba
whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode
set pagesize 0 feedback off verify off heading off echo off
select max(sal) from emp1; 
select max(sal) from emp2; 
select max(sal) from emp3;

The above output is all on one line

set -A arr $MaxSal

This is horribly clunky, to say the least.
Consider using ksh arrays as a start.

set -A MaxSal=`sqlplus -silent /nolog <<EOF | tr -s '\n\' ' ' 
connect / as sysdba
whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode
set pagesize 0 feedback off verify off heading off echo off
select max(sal) from emp1; 
select max(sal) from emp2; 
select max(sal) from emp3;

Is the output from the SQL guaranteed to be a single line? If so, could you just read the output directly into variables a bit like this:-

sqlplus ........... <<EOF | read MaxSal1 MaxSal2 MaxSal3
connect / as sysdba

It seems to me that the output is actually three lines because you have three SELECT statements, but you could convert this to a single like with something more like this:-

SELECT e1.max(sal),e2.max(sal),e3.max(sal) from emp1 e1, emp2 e2, emp3 e3 ;

Does this help?
