
I need the perl solution for the following :

$string="I LOVE INDIA"

now, in a new string i need the first character of each word...

that is string2 should be "ILN".


% perl -E'say shift=~/\b\w/g' 'I LOVE INDIA'

For older versions:

perl -le'print shift=~/\b\w/g' 'I LOVE INDIA'

ILN is gettin printed on the console....I dont need that

String1 has "I LOVE INDIA"
I want the operation to be performed on string1(the variable) and at the end of it string2 should have ILN

$acr="I LOVE INDIA";
print $acr;

This did not work.....

do it step by step
1) split the string up with delimiter as space -> split /\s+/ , $string
2) loop through the array using a for loop
3) get the first character using substr(). do an uc() on it if desired.

  $acr = 'I LOVE INDIA';
  $acr1 = join '', $acr =~ /\b\w/g;
  print $acr1;

I'm not a Perl monk (just learning for now), but I believe that the match operator =~ does not modify the left operand $acr.
The whole expression $acr=~/\b\w/g does return a value, scalar value or list value depending on the context.

$does_it_match = $acr=~/\b\w/g
@all_matches = $acr=~/\b\w/g

Since print provides an array context, if you do

print $acr=~/\b\w/g

then all matches are sent to stdout.

Thanks everyone, All your replies have been really helpful!

Just for ref awk solution

echo "I LOVE INDIA"|awk 'BEGIN{RS=" "}{printf "%s",substr($0,1,1)}'


Can u explain this to me....

$acr = 'I LOVE INDIA';
$acr1 = join '', $acr =~ /\b\w/g;
print $acr1;

$acr =~ /\b\w/g;

The regular expression \b\w matches every (because of the g option) "word" character (alphanumeric plus "_") at the beginning of the word (\b - word boundary). The above expression $var =~ /regex/ in list context (implied by the join function) returns a list consisting of the matched string(s): ILI. The join function joins the separate strings of that list into a single string with fields separated by the value of its first argument (the empty string in our case), and returns that new string which is assigned to the scalar variable $arc1.

$str="Do you Love me? If so,pls kiss me!";
my @arr=$str=~/\b[a-zA-Z]/g;
print join ",", @arr;