string manipulation issue

I have myMethod that gives me available,used,free disk space in KB. I parse the used disk space using awk. That gives me something like 830,016. I want the output to be 830016 so that I can add 100000 to it. In other words I would like to use used_space variable in numeric calculations (using expr).

used_space="`myMethod | grep sum | awk -F' ' '{print $3}'`"
echo $used_space
echo ${used_space/,/}

But the last line above gives me error:

sum                 1,977,920      830,016    1,147,904
./ bad substitution

What can I do? If I do the same thing on command line it works fine!

bash-3.00# export abc=830,123
bash-3.00# echo ${abc/,/}

Let awk do the job and don't get complicated.

used_space=`myMethod | awk '/sum/{gsub(/,/,"");print $3}'`

I guess you havn't specify the shell in script. (Do not remember how that line is named..)
First line in script

#! /usr/bin/bash 

for example.

In bash it works fine, but I have tried it in ksh:

> ec $used_space
> ec ${used_space/,/}
ksh: ${used_space/,/}: bad substitution

I am sorry, I am still having issues. I changed the code as follows:

used=`myMethod | awk '{gsub(/,/,""); print $3}'`
echo $used

Now I get a different error. If it is not clear what could be wrong, any pointers for debugging awk would be appreciated.

bash-3.00# ./ 
sum                 1,977,920      795,648    1,182,272
awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: illegal statement near line 1
bash-3.00# stty: : I/O error

The first line of the script is:


problem is:
1: 'awk' does not know the function 'gsub()'
use 'nawk'
2: why you do not change the 'sh' to 'bash' - everything will be simpler

Thanks, nawk did the trick.