String in text matches folder name

I need unix shell script that can read the first column of a text file and matching each column string is a folder and i need to read files from the specified folder e.g

Main.txt has

Mike 690
Jhon 346

i need to read Mike first then open up the files in folder Mike in the same directory.Similarly, for Jhon there exists a folder called Jhon and i need to read files from the jhon folder.
Can anyone provide me with the script

use a forloop and as the list do a forward tick and then use awk to get the first field from the file.

now that you have your list of directories i assume you would want to enter that directory and get a list fo files (another for loop) and do your processeing on them.

Hmmm..... sounds like it could be a homework question, but the benefit of the doubt goes to you.....

Assuming the list is in Main.txt and the numbers are of no significance:


while read line
    _file=`echo $line | awk '{print $1}'`
    if [ -d $_file ]; then
         ls -l $_file
         # or whatever else you wanna do
         echo "$_file is not a directory (or does not exist)"
done < Main.txt

exit 0

If this is a homework question, slap me with a wet fish for giving you the answer.
