Strange behavior returning incorrect count

On AIX When I Run the commands below I get -

cat tt11.ksh

ps -eaf |grep tt11.ksh|grep -v grep|wc -l
count=`ps -eaf |grep tt11.ksh|grep -v grep|wc -l`
echo "value of count is $count"

Output (what I expected)

value of count is        1

When I Run the same program (tt11.ksh) on Redhat Linux Version 5. I get

value of count is 2

Any Idea why that would be?

Different versions / implementations of shells handling subshells differently. Every pipe makes a copy of the process then runs exec to run the command you wanted. So the count isn't incorrect, exactly.

To debug this, run without the wc -l

ps -eaf |grep tt11.ksh|grep -v grep
count=`ps -eaf |grep tt11.ksh|grep -v grep`
echo ""
echo "$count"
echo "----"

change your grep to use a regexp to search so that the search doesn't match itself. Otherwise you may see two matches... one for the process you wanted and one for your grep itself. It will vary from system to system and in some cases can vary on the same system.

Instead of

grep ttll.ksh

change it to

grep 'ttll\.ksh'
cat tt11.ksh
ps -eaf |grep tt11.ksh|grep -v grep
count=`ps -eaf |grep tt11.ksh|grep -v grep`
echo ""
echo "$count"
echo "----"

[itmuser@njctivtemspr01 scripts]$ ./tt11.ksh
itmuser  24550 18489  0 13:20 pts/0    00:00:00 /bin/ksh ./tt11.ksh
itmuser  24550 18489  0 13:20 pts/0    00:00:00 /bin/ksh ./tt11.ksh
itmuser  24556 24550  0 13:20 pts/0    00:00:00 /bin/ksh ./tt11.ksh


Looks like parent shell is creating new shell to run the command. Is there a way to avoid this? Goal is to have same code to run on AIX and Linux ksh shell.

That is how pipes work.

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I tried it, it does not make any difference.

The traditional way for a process to prevent multiple instances of itself is to create a lockfile, not ps | awk | sed | cut | grep | kitchen | sink.

Is it possible for you to do it as

cat tt11.ksh

ps | grep -c tt11.ksh
count=$(ps | grep -c tt11.ksh)
echo "value of count is $count"


value of count is 1

Tried it does not work in RHEL 5.

As said earlier, pipes do a fork/exec. And while the exec is not yet ready there is a cloned shell. This is a race condition.
To avoid the race conditions you must avoid sub-shells and pipes and maybe even calling external programs.
The best thing is pgrep . Unfortunately AIX does not have it.
cjcox and Aia solutions combined is maybe good enough:

ps | grep -c "tt11[.]ksh"
count=$(ps | grep -c "tt11[.]ksh")
echo ""
echo "$count"
echo "----"

Someone mentioned the lockfile method.
If the purpose is to prevent multiple instances to run, then indeed the lockfile method seems better than the process method.

It's not that it "doesn't work". It's that every time you use a | or backticks, you're telling the shell to create new processes.

If you want a way to check if an instance of your process is running without using ps, I suggest a more traditional lock file.