Storing the Linux command output to an array in perl script


I am trying to store the output of a command into an array in perl script.

I am able to store but the problem is i am unable to print the array line with one line space. i mean i inserted the \n in loop ...but not getting the result.

I have written like this

@a = system ("ls -l");
chomp @a;
foreach $i (@a) {
        print "$i\n\n";

After the ls -l output only i m getting 2 line space ...i need spcae between every line in the array ...

Pls suggest me

system return status of command in parameter, for your problem, you can do it as:

@a = `ls -l`;
chomp @a;
foreach $i (@a) {
print "$i\n\n";

another way ..

open(LS,"ls -l |") or die "$!\n";
while (<LS>){
print $_,"\n";