Stopping a print request

Im running a solaris 9 system and keep getting this message: Request to LXKF894CB (unknown printer) from zion.

This happen because there was a mis configured printer and a job was submitted to it. I fix the printer issue but this message keeps repeating and the PID keeps going up. How can i stop it?

i'm not sure about this but take a look into:

greetings Pre�y

Is zion a remote system? If so, go there and kill the print job. It sounds like a remote system has a print job and it is retrying.

check the job numbers, then lpq the request.

Zion is the local machine and not a remote system. I cannot check the print job at least not a way that i know of because when i do lpstat or lpq I get the printer does not exist message. I look into the /var/spool/lp/request directory and deleted the directory called zion but the message still keeps coming. I have rebooted the system. Plus i have tried a cancel on the print and the user. Any more ideas?

I found it! First i created a printer with that name and the message changed to <filename> exist file found. So i did a find on the file name and it was located in /var/spool/print . I deleted this file and finally the messages stopped. Thanks all for the assistance.