Stop cursor reading a value.

Is it possible, in a Korn Shell script, to stop a cursor when I use the read command? More exactly, I try to have the cursor in a same line reading a value but not in a new line.
Maybe to display the value only if this value is right...

Do you have any idea about this? Is it possible?
Thanks in advance.


in KSH use the /c in your echo statement.


echo "Enter Some Text: \c "
read TEXT

This will cause the cursor to remain on the same line as the statement "Enter Some Text:"

I tried also with print -n but in writing a on-line tool in korn shell, I wish, pressing enter, to avoid to have the cursor at a new line, waiting a new value if I insert, for example, a loop on read command.
I prefer not start a refresh on all previous values if sameting go wrong.
More exactly:

echo "Enter Text1: \c "
read TEXT (suppose the test is ok)

echo "Enter Text1: \c "
read TEXT (if the test fails, I want to restart from here)

In other words, I wish stop the cursor on second line while the test is ok.

Strange, but this is my problem. Using a while loop for the read command, do not work correctly.

Any idea will be well appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
