startup problem


I have a little problem, I have Windows Xp in my desktop, yesterday I installed centos 5. Now when the Pc starts it goes directly to windows and I do not have the option to start centos.
Xp and centos are in the same disk.

Did you configure a boot manager for your CentOS install? (GRUB or LILO)

I've never installed CentOS, but it appears Windows XP still owns the MBR.

sometime during the installation I was asked where to put the GRUB file.
I choose recommended, I think it was hd1 or something like that.

I don't know the CentOS installer well enough from memory to be sure, but I would guess that it installed grub on the start of the installation disk instead of on the MBR. If that is the case, then the general procedure to install on the MBR can be found here: How to install GRUB on the MBR - even if this is a fedora example, the same general procedure can be used here.

thanks, I�ll give it a try.