Startup and shutdown a server

Are rc scripts executed serially or all at the same time. Is there a way to see this happen? A log file or the syslogd?

This is Solaris 10.

rc scripts are only for compatibility. solaris 10 uses the smf (service management facility) to start, stop and mange services. on older solaris versions the rc scripts are startet seriell S10... -> S11... and so on.

RC scripts are launched serially but those staying alive (the daemons launched) are eventually running in parallel. SMF services on the other hand are launched in parallel as soon as dependencies are met.

Rc scripts are launched by shell scripts (eg: /etc/rc3). You can easily instrument them by adding custom log commands (eg: "set -x", "echo $f" in the for loop). SMF methods launch can be displayed by adding the "-m verbose" flag to the boot command. You can also use dtrace if you are looking for detailed timings:
Minimal Solaris: Boot chart with help of DTrace and Python