starting up something on boot

I'm trying to bring up a database server when the linux 6.2 machine is restarted, in unix i can set up a Sxxdbstart script under rc3.d and run
su user -c /path/to/my/script

How can I do this in linux? I thought I could just run it under the rc.d/rc.local script and add it at the end of the local script, but that isn't working, any ideas?

Thanks, k

6.2 Really? Welcome to 1998 :slight_smile:

I don't have a 6.2 system handy and don't remember the exacts of init from back then. On a more current version you would put your startup script in /etc/init.d and link it to the /etc/rc#.d directories you want it to run in. For example if you want it to run when the system boots to run level 3 you would link it to /etc/rc3.d. I don't think chkconfig existed back on 6.2 but it might have. If it's on your system you could also use chkconfig --add.

Slackware Linux still makes use of /etc/rc.d/rc.local. Once you add the script to the rc.local. Make sure it is executable.