starting SWAT

everytime I try to start SWAT using : www.localhost:901, it takes me to goggle the search engine. IM still new in the linux world and Im a bit confussed now. any help would be great. Im currently running redhat linux fedora.

Drop the www bit.

Browse to http://localhost:901


I have tried http://localhost:901 and Im getting this massage [connection was refused when attempting contact localhost:901 ] where is the problem ?

How are you initialising SWAT on the server?

If you're using xinetd, then ensure that the file /etc/xinetd.d/samba contains something resembling the following

service swat
        socket_type     = stream
        protocol        = tcp
        wait            = no
        user            = root
        server          = /usr/sbin/swat
        only_from       =
        disable         = no
        port            = 901

Obviously, you may need to change the only_from variable to meet your needs. The error you're getting may be due to the "disable" variable being set to "yes", which is the default on SuSE Linux, for one. Of course, change it to "no" to allow connections and enable the service.

To see if you're running xinetd, issue "ps aux | grep xinetd".

If you are, and the you make any changes to /etc/xinetd.d/samba, then send the xinetd process a HUP signal as root to get it to reread its configuration.


Thanx a the swat server is working good