start services during the startup

I'm trying to add services to start services automatically during the system start up in suse linux.
I followed these steps..

chkconfig servicename on

and created symbolic link at /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/ folder with name S80servicename. here is the command I used

ln -s /etc/init.d/servicename S80servicename.

But It still not working. I also tried with yast, system, system services. enable services (its already enabled). But no luck.

any ideas ...thanks

What happens if you try to start the service manually? Any error messages?

By the way, using insserv to enable the service will create the necessary symlinks for you.

man insserv

Are you using Red Hat style init scripts or the LSB header style SUSE uses?

I dont know what scripts. But I think regular Suse init.d scripts. Im able to run script manually. Thanks

what is the output of the command "runlevel"

Here is the out put of command run level...

#chkconfig --list sname
sname 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5;on 6:off


how is that the output of the command runlevel? You showed the command as being chkconfig?
If it was the command "runlevel" you would have seen this:


#chkconfig --list sname

oops I thought the runlevel for the sname. I just ran runlevel command
N 3


I would remove the changes you made with the symbolic links and then try to insserv the script, then chkconfig it to on
as such, the contents of the script may help, as when you run it as a user, it is taking your env variables, but when you invoke it as on startup, it will not.