start script from - execute init 6 (not as root)

I have 2 questions :

1 - How can I execute a program when Unix Sco reboot?

For example I have two script (two sockets) that I have to
start from 2 different users (root and toto).
I heard something about "etc/init.d" directory, but I don't know what to do next.
I put a script shell in which is starting a script but it doesn't work at all :

cd /mypath/myscript

I check rights on it, and even put "chmod 777" on it (in case...I will change it later)

2 - How can I execute a command "init 6" from a C Unix script with "system" when this script hadn't been execute by root?

Sorry for my approximative english and my light Unix knowledge...:rolleyes:

you could put you script in "/etc/rc2.d" directory
and the script name start with S ,such as S97...

Thanks for your answer!
I find a way to execute my script at startup.

There's a file called "userdef" in etc/rc.d/8
I add a line :

su - username -c "cd directory1/directory2;./myscript"

And it works.


For the second question I don't have any idea...
The only one I've got, is to create another program execute by root...

first I am also not an expert in SCO, have some years experince with sun en Hp unix as system admin.
Thanks for the tip about upstart, I normally use cron but i wanted something else this time and this should work
You can use "sudo" if installed, you will have to allow users in the sudoers file. If you only want local users to execute this C script.
You could enter a "su " change in you C script, if it is a complied C program, if it's a C-shell script i wouldn't do it like this.
You could make your own shutdown script and then call this in your script.

hi all

this is post of soshell

Thanks for your answer!
I find a way to execute my script at startup.

There's a file called "userdef" in etc/rc.d/8
I add a line :

su - username -c "cd directory1/directory2;./myscript"

And it works.

how can it works.

i am using fedora4

There's no file called "userdef" in etc/rc.d/8

atlease /8 also not there.

can you plese tell me how can i do this.

your replay will veryusefull.

thank you in advance