Stamping Text on an Image File

Hi all, again, I have lots of questions I guess. This one should be easier though :slight_smile: . I have a goal to be able to put some preformatted text into a template (which is now a tiff file, but can be changed) and then output it to a printer. Right now we're thinking PostScript might work or some super PDF thing. We also thought that using a printer filter might work.

I was wondering if any of you knowledgable people knew of any PDF type things, where we could stamp the text onto a specific X,Y coordinate of the template or a good source of information for either the PostScript or the filters.

I did find some things, but they are way over budget for what we have to do this for. We tried using ImageMagick to write over everything, but it took up too many system resources.

Like before, thanks for the advice and hopefully I'll stop bugging you guys sometime. :wink:
