Stale NFS file handle

Hi, I get an error saying "Stale NFS file handle"

how can I solve this? Is it possible to do this with a umount/ mount command?

What OS. Try:

umount -f /mount/point


the problem is that while cleaning up some stuff I accidentily deleted a mounted directory that's now causing trouble. I need it back though.

Was it mounted read only, or read write?

Is the data still one the box acting as the NFS server? If not, you will have to restore from backup.

Can you post the output of: mount

/xanext1/home on rsize=16384,wsize=16384,NFSv3,dev=60000029 on Wed Jan 19 17:08:23 2005

it was mounted read & write

data is still there

You need to reboot the nfs client.