
I installed sSMTP in ubuntu 12.04
This works goed but I have two problems and I don't
find a answer with google.
I don't find how to stop sSMTP so this server only
works when I want.
sudo etc//init.d/ssmtp stop doesn't work because
ssmtp isn't in init.d
When I start truecrypt than I always have a file
in my home "dead_letter" with information about truecrypt.

Without knowing the package in question, some general hints.

There must be some sort of start-script. Analyze this and find out what the process' name is (it doesn't have to be "ssmtp" at all). Maybe you find a stop-script in the process, by analyzing the packages contents, etc.. Use this. In case you find no such script/command:

First possibility: there are system-related mechanisms to start subsystems, like the system resource controller in AIX. I don't know of such a mchanism in Ubuntu, though.

Second possibility: the process maintains a PID file in /var/run . In this case use the content of the PID file to kill it and remove the file once it succeeds:

# kill -15 $(cat /var/run/<process>.pid)
# rm /var/run/<process>.pid

This is the most preferable way daemons should behave in case they don't rely on a system-specific way of doing it, like the above-mentioned.

Third possibility: using the process' name search the process list and kill it:

# ps -fe | grep <processname>
# kill -15 <PID1> [<PID2> ....]

If kill -15 (SIGTERM) won't work (but only then!) replace it with kill -9 (SIGKILL).

I hope this helps.


I do not use ssmtp, but from apt-cache show ssmtp I can read:


Oops. I wonder what thread-O/P wants to switch off, then??
