Ssh with awk


I wish to launch a command ssh by getting back certain values in a file with awk.

Example of command ssh:

ssh -q lpar1 mount|grep /tmp/conf-1
ssh -q lpar2 mount|grep /tmp/conf-1

Example of file:

/tmp/conf-1 servers=lpar1 lpar2 lpar3 /tmp/conf-2 servers=lpar4 lpar5 lpar6

If there's a question in there, I'm not sure I understand it.

This is tne content of a file:

/tmp/conf-1 servers=lpar1 lpar2 lpar3
/tmp/conf-2 servers=lpar4 lpar5 lpar6

By leaving of the file, I would like to get back data with awk and launched an unix command in the awk like this:

ssh -q lpar1 mount|grep / tmp/conf-1 etc ...

Sorry , i don't speak english very well :smiley:

In that case,

var="/tmp/conf-1 servers=lpar1 lpar2 lpar3"
echo $var | sed 's/=/ /g' | awk '{for(i=3;i<=NF;i++){print "ssh -q "$i" mount|grep "$1}}'

This should work :slight_smile:

Thanks , it'good

But it is possible to execute the ssh command in the awk function ?

Sure it's possible, but awk is not shell, and ill-suited to it.

awk 'BEGIN { "ssh whatever" | getline }'

It'd be much better to run ssh outside of awk, and pipe it in.