SSH Warning Welcome message?

Hi all,
I just configured automatic login between two servers following this article:

When I execute the following command:

ssh REMOTE "/script/"

I get:

Warning: This system is restricted to authorized users for business purposes. 
Unauthorized access is a violation of the law. 
This service may be monitored for administrative and security reasons. 
By proceeding, you consent to this monitoring. 
This is the output from remote host!

How can I hide the Warning?

Thanks in advance,

That is in the sshd_config file on the remote node.
you will see a line like:

Banner /etc/issue

/etc/issue can be anyfilename that has the message.

1.$ vi /etc/ssh/ssh_welcome(for creating a new welcome file )
2.$ vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config(edit the banner line with Banner /etc/ssh/ssh_welcome)
3.$/etc/init.d/ssh restart

thats enough