Ssh tunnel question

Hi all

I have a suite of scripts that ssh to remote servers within a cluster and run some tests. This is done from a central server so that all of the test results can be captured in one location.

Problem is I now have 509 tests and the number is growing. The scripts work by establishing a fresh ssh connection for each test, so things are slowing down.

I suspect it would be a lot more sensible to establish a tunnel at the start of the run and keep it open until I have run all of the tests ...

Problem is I don't know how I could call the remote tests (bash scripts) via the tunnel.

At the moment I use the syntax -

ssh $USER@$SERVER "./script"

Can I do the same thing through a tunnel?

How would I call the script?

Thanks in advance



ssh -q server_name "pathtoscript/scriptname"


please refer man page of ssh
something like below would do
nohup pathtoscript/scriptNme & |ssh -C -l user@hostname

Multiplexing using the ControlMaster (-M) option.