SSH Tunnel Forwarding with no shell

Hi Experts,

I am trying to have the SSH tunnel Remote forwarding command in a shell script. I should be able to do 2 tasks, but unable to get that going.

1) I have 3 servers Server 1, Server 2, Server 3.

I have my Database running on Server 1 and my script running on Server 2 which should be able to do port forwarding from Server 1 to Server 3.

so for example on Server 2

ssh -i $ssh_key -R 9000:Server1:3333 root@Server2. 

I need to be able to stick this in a shell script something like

              echo "HOST"
              echo "Creating HTTP Tunnel to  Instance in the background"
              ssh -T  -t  -i $ssh_key  -R 9000:Server1:3333 root@$HOST & <<EOF
              mysqladmin  -u root -S /tmp/mysql-DB.sock  start-slave
	      echo "Tunnel Create"

2) In this second task not be able to get the shell prompt of the Server 3 but pass some commands to execute on the remote server.

Can someone please be able to help me through with this. That should be very helpful. I have been stuck with this problem for many days with out a solution.
