ssh service location on Solaris 8


where can i find the ssh service on solaris 8 if "sshd" it is not available on /etc/init.d?

i want to restart the service.

i did a "which" and i found this. is this the right path? i want to double check since this is a prod server.

bash-2.03# which sshd


Hope this command will work

kill -HUP `cat /var/run/`

usually HUP signal is used to restart the process.
You must be a root user for performing this operations.

Please try this too if the above command is not working

/etc/init.d/sshd stop
/etc/init.d/sshd start

Use whereis command instead which.

^ thanks for your reply.

sshd is not available on the /etc/init.d/ so i cannot execute ./sshd stop| start

As a follow up question, do you know how can i setup the sshd on /etc/init.d/? can i symlink it or something?

Thanks again.

This is my sshd script from a Solaris 8 machine


# Determine the process ids of the daemons and no other processes
pids=`/bin/ps -ef | \
      /bin/grep sshd | \
      /bin/egrep -v "grep|$$|start|stop" | \
      /bin/awk '{printf "%d ", $2}'`

case $1 in
        if [ "$pids" = '' ] ; then
                echo '' 1>&2
                echo 'WARNING: /etc/init.d/sshd already running' 1>&2
                echo '' 1>&2
        if [ "$pids" != '' ] ; then
                if [ -f /var/run/ ] ; then
                        /bin/kill -1 `/bin/cat /var/run/`
                elif [ -f /usr/local/etc/ ] ; then
                        /bin/kill -1 `/bin/cat /usr/local/etc/`
                        echo '' 1>&2
                        echo 'ERROR: missing sshd pid file' 1>&2
                        echo '' 1>&2
                echo '' 1>&2
                echo 'ERROR: sshd is not running' 1>&2
                echo '' 1>&2
        if [ "$pids" != '' ] ; then
                /bin/kill $pids
        echo '' 1>&2
        echo 'usage: /etc/init.d/sshd {start|reconfigure|stop}' 1>&2
        echo '' 1>&2

You will have to modify the paths to the sshd executable.

There is possibility of ssh startup script in the rc3.d directory or somewhere there.
Do a find
find / -name *ssh* -print