SSH Script For Automatic File Upload HELP

Hi guys!

I hope this hasn't been asked too many times but,

Would someone be able to help me write or point me in the direction to some helpful tutorials in order to write a script to transfer a file directly to a server via SSH from a linux based computer.
The script should do as following:

  1. Open the secure shell
  2. Auto login
  3. Copy the file to the server/address
  4. Disconnect ssh
  5. Wait 15minutes
  6. repeat (go to step 1)

Any help is greatly appreciated.



First thing would be, if possible, set-up a passwordless login to the destination server
then, everything else can be done using simple shell script
else, you have to go with expect script or something else

When passwordless login is set up, you could use scp (secure cp, member of the ssh family) to copy the files.