SSH - prevent roaming around the server


We have a user who needs to connect to us over the internet using an ssh client. We use HP-UX 11.00.

We set up a home directory with login and password for them. We would not want to give them full roaming access for the server ie, they should not be able to cd up the directory tree.

We have found that if they connect with ftp, they do not have roaming access. However, if they connect with ssh/sftp, they do have full roaming access.

Can anyone tell me how to stop them cd'ing out of their home directory up the directory tree when using ssh/sftp?

Many thanks
Helen :confused:

Sounds like you should set their login shell to rksh.

Sure babOOshka :smiley: ,
Though i think u know the answer :stuck_out_tongue: i'm gonna post another one for others, You should use the ssh with chroot support here's the link link