ssh logon


I am envountring a problem while I login using ssh on a sun box to a remote box.

I use ssh user@server and it takes long time to ask for a password..

does anyone knows the reason behind this? or is there a way that this could be solved


try the ip instead of the servername. maybe it's a nameservice problem...

Check the order of the nameserver entries in your /etc/resolve.conf fille

i tried to use the IP and still the same

Can you do a ssh -v -l someone@server and provide us the verbose output?

Delays when ssh'ing in are almost always DNS related. To diagnose this, ssh into the machine from a known good box (that doesn't see the delays elsewhere) with the command line "ssh -vv username@hostname" and see where the delay is. It's likely that the server that is giving you the delay is trying to reverse lookup the IP of the machine you are sshing from and timing out (hence the delay).

To fix, edit your ssh config ("/etc/ssh/sshd_config") and add a "UseDNS no" line (or change the existing one to this).

Then restart your sshd via "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart".

Hope that helps.

or "svcadm" with solaris 10!

do I have to "UseDNS no" on the local server or the sever which I want to connect to?

Yes, you're right.