SSh install and config

Hi all...........

I work for a big french car manufacturer.
I'm supposed to put up a secure protocol, that means ssh. I'm looking for free ssh codes and binaries, and the install and config of it...

Any help would be great...

:confused: :confused: :confused:



If you're looking for SSH, check out:

It's developed by the OpenBSD people, who are famous (notorious?) for writing secure code...

On their website, they recommend the O'Reilly SSH book. I haven't read that one, but I have been more than satisfied with every other O'Reilly book I've ever picked up.

Hope that helps...

Hi all! I had pbs with my a_new_admin account. Anyways, i already know that url. I doesn't help be much, except in giving me the sources...
It remains to general in its explanations.
I'm looking for something saying exactly how to do..

Any other ideas?

:smiley: :confused:

umm.. Which part isn't clear enough? Included with the source code is a file called 'INSTALL' which details exactly how to build and install the program. Here's an excerpt:

If you need more details than are provided in that file, byt the <A HREF="">book</A> as mentioned earlier.