ssh DSA Key fingerprint option


I have an cron-script running ssh every 5 minutes. After a reboot cron errors as ssh is wating for a DSA key fingerprint authenticy.

The request looks as following :

The authenticity of host '*** (*.*.*.0)' can't be established.
DSA key fingerprint is 11:59:*4:46:21:2*:e0:77:db:55:*2:*e:*1:*2:*9:*6.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

Of course * are modified for security reason. When I enter "yes" one time, the question will disapear untill the next reboot.

Does anyone how to avoid this question , or how I can get stdin to work, so that :

echo yes | ssh -tttt <server> <command>

will work ? This to avoid anoying error messages when my system reboots and I accidently forget to run an ssh manualy.

Regs David

You try view location of Key on your system ? It can was modify...

Good Luck