Squid Tproxy Bandwidth problem

I Configure Tproxy using squid 2.6 then the squid is fine I can see the website that my users are accessing when I connect my tproxy to my LAN users The internet become slow and I can ping the Google some above 3000 ms also end users cannot ping google and with out tproxy I can ping Google 150ms and the internet is good what do you think the reason behind this problem keep in mid that my users are up to 2000 active users also I used one server to act as DHCP server NAT server Tproxy server ? my purpose to configure tproxy was to reduce bandwidth and speed up website accessing but now it become opposite?? please help I appreciate your help

Google help? [squid-users] tproxy slow preformance

There are lots of tuning tips and articles. I am not sure some delay is natural, since it is a caching proxy. Try a lower cache size or none. It may be just latency, not bandwidth, that is impacted, but it will slow the individual user a lot.

You mean change the cache size to lower cache size
# Cache directory
# You can specify multiple cache_dir lines to spread the cache among different disk partitions.
# 20000 MB, 64 directories, 128 sub-directories for each directory
cache_dir aufs /squid 20000 64 128[/b]

# The ideal amount of memory to be used for In-Transit objects, Hot Objects and Negative-Cached objects
cache_mem 96 MB

# Objects greater than this size will not be attempted to kept in the memory cache.
# This should be set high enough to keep objects accessed frequently in memory to improve performance
maximum_object_size_in_memory 32 KB

# Objects larger than this size will NOT be saved on disk.
# The value is specified in kilobytes.
maximum_object_size 32768 KB

# The size, low-, and high-water marks for the IP cache.
ipcache_size 4096

# Maximum number of FQDN cache entries.
fqdncache_size 4096

Yes, it is best not to be too greedy, as a little cache does a lot of good, and twice as much only helps a little more at a cost to the misses that begins to erode the virtue very quickly.

I am not sure I am size-adverse, as the data will flow through the first time regardless, disk is cheap and the savings is that much greater. My primary focus would be on the size of the cache directory that must be searched. I hope squid uses a nice hash map with a large, prime number of buckets, or an extensible map! Maybe setting limits to nearby prime numbers will help prod squid in that direction!