SQL Select inside Insert

I have following.

$userid = 2
$query = "select username from users where userid = ".$userid.";";
$username = $line['uid'];
$data="Some Data Here";
$query = "insert into logger (username, data) valuse ($username, $data);";

I would like to not have 2 database calls.

Im sure there is a way to "join" the 2. I want to store the actual username in the logger table and not the UID#, I have not had much luck.

Probabally something really easy im missing.

Something like this:

insert into logging 
("testing", (select username from users where id = 2;), "data here","");


I figured it out...

insert into logging 
("testing",(select username from users where id = 2),"data here","");

Was using wrong quotes.

In MySQL there is a INSERT ... SELECT that you can probably use to avoid a subquery, but you didn't confirm whether you were using MySQL. Not sure about other database engines though.

Yes I am using MySQL v5.0.45