SQL Query in Shell Script output formatting

Hi All,

call_sql ()
sqlplus -s $sqlparam_sieb <<EOF
                     SET ECHO OFF;
                     SET NEWPAGE NONE;
                     SET SQLBL OFF;
                     SET VERIFY OFF;
                     SET LINESIZE 2000;
                     SET PAGESIZE 500;
                     SET TRIMS ON;
                     SET HEADING OFF;
                     SET FEEDBACK OFF;
                     SET WRAP OFF;
reslt=$(call_sql "select NVL(error_message,'No Error'), count(1) from siebstg.stg_aa_member_profile_int group by error_message order by count(1) desc")
echo with quotes
echo "$reslt"

echo without quotes
echo $reslt

And below is the output what i get ...

with quotes
No Error                                                                                                                                                                   240
*PSC*                                                                                                                                                                       11
*NNF*                                                                                                                                                                       10
*MEM*                                                                                                                                                                        8
*FNM*                                                                                                                                                                        1
*DTE*                                                                                                                                                                        1
without quotes
No Error 240 *PSC* 11 *NNF* 10 *MEM* 8 *FNM* 1 *DTE* 1

I need the output it in below format..

No Error 240
*PSC*    11 
*NNF*    10 
*MEM*    8 
*FNM*    1 
*DTE*    1

Try echo "$reslt" | dos2unix

No, Luck.... Still the same