splitting the files

How can i split the big file by the lines?. For eg. I wanna split the file from the line 140 to 1700.

You only want those lines from 140 to 1700, is it ?

sed -n -e "140,1700p" bigfile.txt > newfile.txt

one more,

awk ' NR >= 140 && NR <= 1700 ' source > dest

ok, lets see how many ways we can find. Here is one in pure (Korn-)shell:

#! /bin/ksh

typeset -i iStartLine=140
typeset -i iEndLine=1700
typeset -i iLineCnt=0
typeset    fSrcFile="/path/to/bigfile"
typeset    fTgtFile="/path/to/file.snippet"
typeset    chLineBuffer=""

exec 3>$fTgtFile
cat $fSrcFile | while read chLineBuffer ; do
     (( iLineCnt += 1 ))
     if [ \( $iLineCnt -ge $iStartLine \) -a \( $iLineCnt -le $iEndLine \) ] ; then
          print -u3 "$chLineBuffer"
exec 3>&-

exit 0


or the short and simple:

head -1700 file | tail +140


Hi Madhan,
It's working fine. Thank u very much. Can I pass the variable instead of the actual number?.
(NR >= startline NR <= endline).

awk ' NR >=beg && NR <= end ' beg=2 end=5 data.txt

hope this helps.....

you can use split command in unix

awk -v start=$s end=$e ' NR >= s && NR <= e ' input > output

sed -n "${startline},${endline}p" /path/to/sourcefile > /path/to/newfile
