Splitting file when file count exceeded

hello everybody,
need help .
i want to write a shell script which will first check the count of the file ,
if file count is greater than 15000 then script will split the file in 15000 each.with count of each splited file included in it.
if file size is less than 15000 then it will not split.

i have used this concept but not working

filename='dump_'`date '+%y%m%d%H%M%S'`'.dat'
count=`wc -l $filename`
if [ $filename -gt 15000 ]
split -l 15000 $filename
echo " file count is less than 15000"

above script is not running.
also not finding the logic to insert the filecount in each splitted file .....

if [ $filename -gt 15000 ]

It should be $count what you need to check. rt?

Also, where you want to include the count?

thanks dennis ....i want to include the count in head of each splitted file.

hi all please help!!!!!!