Split Data in one column into 2 column in Excel using DOS or VBScript


I have some data in my Excel File.However all the data is in one single column.I want to split it into two columns.

Current Data:

1,Hi Everyone,I am
7,New To Dos,And
17,VB Script,i could
110,have tried this thing
1800,in UNIX

Desired Output
1 |Hi Everyone,I am
7 |New To Dos,And
17 |VB Script,i could
110 |have tried this thing
1800 |in UNIX

Basically I wanted to search for first comma and then put content after that to second column.

Share some suggestions pls.
Any DOS command or VB Script will be fine.

The scriptname should have .vbs as extension, the output goes to the file Outfile:

Dim filesys, Infile, Outfile, pos

Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2 

file = InputBox("Filename : ")

if file = "" then
end if

Outfile = "Outfile"

Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If NOT filesys.FileExists(file) Then
  msgbox("File " & file & " not found!")
End If 

Set Infile = filesys.OpenTextFile(file, ForReading, True)
Set Outfile = filesys.OpenTextFile(Outfile, ForWriting, True)

do while Infile.AtEndOfStream <> true
  Line = Infile.readline
  pos = instr(Line,",")
  Line = Left(Line, pos - 1) & "|" & Mid(Line, pos + 1)


Set Infile = Nothing
Set Outfile = Nothing
Set filesys = Nothing



Hi Franklin52

Thanks for the reply !
However '|' here does not mean PIPE delimited it means new column in Excel Sheet.
Any inputs ?

Replace the pipe symbol with your delimiter on this line:

Line = Left(Line, pos - 1) & "|" & Mid(Line, pos + 1)

For instance, if you want a tab you can use the constant vbTab:

Line = Left(Line, pos - 1) & vbTab & Mid(Line, pos + 1)