Spawn a new unix window by command

Hi Experts,

I hav a question for you..

Can we open a new window(SunOS 5.10,Putty) by a unix_command from the one we're on? Is it possible?


Are you asking to start a new MS Windows program, such as Putty from another Putty session. There is/was a link (either in the FAQs or Wish list) on the Putty website about this feature, and a reason why they would not implement it, and a workaround if you still wanted to do it.
Alternatively has a program called Anita, that will do what you want, by simply echoing a VT escape sequence back to the session.
The following code, opens a pdf file using whatever program is set on the Windows client machine to handle that file type.

anita="\033[1,5yexplorer.exe \0134\0134cpu\0134view\0134$LOGNAME\0134$VU.pdf\033\0134\c"   
echo $anita

In English: C:>explorer \\cpu\view\logname\document.pdf,
The purpose of this is to allow a person running a simple unix text application to view the associated document.

Dear jgt, Sorry...I think I'm not clear in my question. Either I dint understand ur explanation.

Exactly what's my doubt is : Suppose I'm working on unix by means of putty session, what I need is, I want to open a "NEW" session by a unix command for the same IP or Hostname. I dont know whether it is possible.
