Space problem writing to Solaris Folder


I've got a process failure which says it may be caused by insufficient space in the directory. Is there a way I can tell what the maximum allowable size is?
I've done df -k and there are no file systems over 45% so if it is a space problem it's confined to the sub directory.

which file system is this? does that directory have directory quota applied to it, and the hard-limit is reached?

I don't know if it has a directory quota as I don't know how to display or query that - that's what I need help with.

The repquota command displays a summary of the disk usage and quotas for a specified ufs file. For example:

# repquota /export/home

To display quota information of all users:

# repquota -va 
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On UFS file system check available inodes with: df -F ufs -o i
Check file system type with : df -n

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