Sorting with list, - 2 lists next to 200

Hi I was wondering if anyone knew the best way to have files displayed by list so that they were in numerical order?
the problem I am having is I am using the ls and the head command to sort a group of 500 files into manageable 133 file bunches and transfer them to another directory were they will be processed by another program.
This is an example of the file name "OPS-order-326-item-PM447_Quantity_6_of_500_front.p1.p1.pdf"
All the files stay in order until the Quantity number changes from one digit to two, then the sort displays with Quantity_2 next to Quantity_200
"OPS-order-326-item-PM447_Quantity_2_of_500_front.p1.p1.pdf being next to
Is there a better way to do this outside of having leading zeros in my quantity number?
Below is the command that I am using

ls /somefiles/*.pdf | head -133 | xargs -I{} mv {} /A_place_to_put_somefiles

Are they created in numerical order as well? You could just list by (reverse) date order - ls -tr .

Hi unfortunately that wont work is there a way I can use the version option to see just the OPS-order-326-item-PM447_Quantity_"2" or OPS-order-326-item-PM447_Quantity_"200" as the version number?

Not sure if this will work:

ls -1 /somefiles/*.pdf | sort --field-separator=_ --key=f3 --numeric-sort | head -133

should give you a list of the files in numeric order. You can then append the | xargs -I{} mv {} /A_place_to_put_somefiles bit if it works.


Hi thanks very much your helps was much appreciated.