sorting the datafile in an order given in second datafile


I have two files:

first input file is having 7-8 columns,

and second data file is like

I want to arrange my datafile1 in the order given in second data file, by comparing the seconddatafile with the second column of first file and print the entire line....also if any string (b in this case) is must print absent in first lane

The output must be like:

Thanks in advance.....

awk 'NR==FNR{a[$2]=$0;next}{print a[$1]?a[$1]:"ABSENT"}' file1 file2
1 a rew sdf ghd 234 gfd 345
7 c dns esd lkn 765 nkc 093
4 d bhj asd klj 231 kljn 211
3 f hjk kln ghj 879 nkj 989
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nawk 'FNR==NR {f1[$2]=$0;next}{print ($1 in f1)?f1[$1]:"ABSENT"}' firstFile secondFile
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